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Doing an intership during your studies in economics is highly recommended. 

You will benefit from work experience and new contacts. Most employers regard an internship as a valuable supplement to your degree. In addition, you may gain useful insights into the profession or industry you are interested in. During an internship, you gain a lot of practical knowledge and can advance your skills and personal competences.

Finding an internship

There are various ways to find an internship. You can use your own network or, for example, approach lecturers. You might also want to search the following websites:

Additionally, you can send out unsolicited applications to companies of interest.

Applying for an internship

In order to obtain an interview you should submit a clean CV and cover letter. It is key that you prepare a separate application that describes your qualifications depending on each job offer. Most companies want to hire students who are intellectually curious and have good grades. You may also want to include details about volunteer positions or notable accomplishments. Your application for an internship should be as serious and professional as an application for a job or university program.

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