MEPS Annual Ceremony
MEPS Annual Ceremony – Meet for the very first time, Artur-Woll Haus, University of Siegen
The students of MEPS (Master of Economic Policy Siegen) as well as the Alumni and professors of economics met together on the 16th of October to celebrate the very first MEPS Annual Ceremony. More than 50 participants attended the ceremony, following presentations of alumni students, enjoying a very special kind of a guest lecture and having the opportunity to talk about their life during the studies and to discuss their first working experience.
On October the 16th, more than 50 participants attended the very first MEPS Annual Ceremony. In festive atmosphere, current students of the Master in Economic Policy Siegen (MEPS) came together with alumni and professors of economics to welcome the new freshmen and to celebrate the achievements of the study program.
After the welcome address of Professor Koch, the director of the MEPS program, Aliaxandra Hutsko and Katharina Bissinger took the stage. Both alumni, one working in a consulting company in Düsseldorf and the other one doing a PhD in Economics in Gießen, talked about their experiences during their studies. Moreover, they presented insights into their actual job life and how they accomplished to come so far. Their presentation was particularly directed to the freshmen and current MEPS students as a big motivator for the wide range of different job prospects after the studies.
Another highlight of the evening was the ceremonial lecture. Professor Born from the University of Bonn, who did his Master in Economics in Siegen nine years ago, gave a talk on his current research in macroeconomics and fiscal policy. “Does austerity pay off” was the big question addressed to the audience. With this topic a very up to date and fundamental question, particularly relevant for Europe, was discussed.
Later on, the graduates of MEPS, the high degree of internationality and the applied character of the program – hence the achievements of MEPS until now – were celebrated. In addition to that, the idea of creating an alumni association for students of economics and MEPS was introduced to the audience. The aim here is to build up an alumni network for MEPS organized by actual students and alumni.
At eight o’clock the event program came to an end and the audience continued to enjoy the evening in solemn atmosphere with finger food, drinks and music.
At the end it has to be said that the whole event was organized by students for students. A warm hearted thank you is directed to all volunteers and speakers. Moreover, it is planned to arrange such a ceremony annually. As soon as the alumni association is officially registered there will be more feedback on this issue and also on establishing an alumni network.